Will's blog

Here's My “From-Memory-Only” Flint School Tour:

I was on board from September 1976 through May 1980 (excluding standard 3-month summer breaks and the first three of four 3-week holiday seasons).

George Stoll was captain of teQuest; Betty Stoll taught second-year "4th R" by infecting us with the energy of Rose Wilder Lane's Discovery of Freedom.

Jim Stoll, George and Betty's son, was captain of Te Vega; Els seldom spent time aboard, particularly when raising Careenj and Jason.

1 9 7 6 - 7 7 :
  • Atlantic:
    Bermuda -> Caribbean -> Azores -> Northern Europe (Amsterdam graduation)
  • Cabin "Sirus" [sic] aboard Te Vega with three cabinmates
    - Palmer K. Stevens Squintmeister
    - Robert Law Practical joker
    - Claude Bonnani Beatles Fan
1 9 7 7 - 7 8 :
  • North Europe:
    Denmark -> Norway -> Netherlands -> France -> England -> Denmark
  • Cabin "Vega" aboard Te Vega with five cabinmates
    - Antony (Tono) Lineberger (Tae Kwon Do, bilingual)
    - Greg Voth to the top of Mont Saint Michel
    - Ed Cosgrove "they'll pave the world"
    - ?* (hmm!)
    * We also had a mid-year swap where a staff member joined us.
1 9 7 8 - 7 9 :
  • Europe:
    Denmark -> Norway -> Netherlands -> France -> England -> Portugal -> Cadiz(!) -> Gibraltar -> Balerics -> Corsica -> Italy -> France -> Monaco
  • Cabin "Calumet K" aboard teQuest with seven cabinmates
    - George Tregea a.r.m.s.p.
    - David Eldridge Ig-pay Pep-ya (heavily munged Pig Latin)
    - Chris Calabrese "breze bear"
    - Mike Huck (staff) Eventually married Ann Warren, then divorced
    - Jay Tone "eat chalk, eat chalk" and other odd humor
    - Phil Shatz We demoted him for no apparent reason, against the Captain's judgement
    - Bill Hutcherson Made student captain in '81, I'm told
1 9 7 9 - 8 0 :
  • Mediterranean:
    Monaco -> Marseilles -> Barcelona -> Palma de Mallorca -> Malta -> Pireaus -> Thera -> Crete -> Naples -> Genoa -> Monaco
  • Cabin "Forecastle" (pronounced "fo'c's'le") aboard teQuest with
    - Matt Frazer Great sense of life despite the back brace
    - Juan Lorenzo Barragan* Jethro Tull fan
    - Steve Vickory Steady and dependable guy
    *Juan 'left' mid-year, when Dan _____? joined us.

If you'd like to take the Awareness Quiz and try to identify the faces and places in the pictures, give it a try...

If you can fill in a blank or two, drop me a line or two.

Flint School, Aboard Te Vega and teQuest, 1969-1981
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