Blast from the past—Flint School attendees abound

The directory below lists some hearty survivors of the Flint School experience... as well as some folk who are rumored to no longer be with us.

Heck, if you only caught a glimpse of Te Vega in the bicentennial race, or have barely heard of "Fourth R", you qualify! Staff and students alike—you can add your name to this hallowed list.

If you'd like to relate fond memories, or even living nightmares (or anything in between) from your time aboard, just jot some down and send 'em in.

  • What is your favorite memory from your time aboard?
  • Least favorite?
  • Which particular sail do you remember most?
  • Did your cabin develop "inspection immunity"?
  • Who aboard do you remember most, and why?
  • Did your deckstation members work well together?
  • Ever lost a rank or two at Rank Revotes?
  • Do you find yourself using the things you learned at Flint School in day-to-day life?
  • Atlas Shrugged—love it? hate it?

Gimme a piece of your mind. Inquiring minds want to know!

Will's blog


Here are some other Flint School names I recall from my 1976-1980 tenure, just off the top of my head—
- Mary Mead Bailey
- Juan Lorenzo Barragan
- Bob Barrie
- Amy Beckwith
- Claude Bonnani
- Julie Butler
- Chris Calabreze
- Dan Calabreze
- Dan Conner
- Ray Coombs
- Ed Cosgrove
- David Eldridge
- Michael Forschner
- Matt Frazer
- Bill Hutcherson
- Ben Jackson
- Katja Larsen
- Robert Law
- Linda Lindholm
- Chris Magruder
- Andrew Marsh
- Michelle Marsh
- Craig Mercer
- Colin Ratzey
- Chris Reagor
- Phil Shatz
- Marius Skaugen
- Chromer Smith
- Kitty Smith
- Fernando Sosa
- Stephanie Stitt
- Eric Swan
- Tammi Tolbert
- Trip Tolbert
- Jay Tone
- Steve Vickory
- Neil Wilson
- Kathy Wu
- Stephanie Yarbrough

Are you folks out there?

W i l l ' s   S k i m p y   F l i n t   S c h o o l   D i r e c t o r y

emailweb pagestaff (not student)imagesstoriesdeceased

If you have any corrections or suggestions, let me know.

What do you think of the new directory layout?
- Thumbs down. Restricted. Ugh.
- No big whoop. Yada yada.
- Thumbs way up. Sail on!
- Indifferent, but gotta make some changes.

Please feel free to Add Your Name To The Directory or just write to suggest changes or corrections. Please attach two JPEG photos—one for 'then' (so we might recognize you) & one for 'now' (so your peers will be suitably shocked)...

Flint School, Aboard Te Vega and teQuest, 1969-1981
Flint School aboard Te Vega and teQuest | Welcome Aboard | About Flint School | Awareness Quiz | My Flint School Tour | Directory | Flint Data Cards